Bridging Boundaries: Fostering Interfaith Harmony and Inclusiveness in Pakistan and Canada

Organized by
15162394 Canada Inc.

With the collaborations of
Al-Iman Society, Toronto, ON, Canada
BWO Research Pvt. Ltd Pakistan

To be held on
May 11-12, 2024

Mail Hall, 120-Bermondsey Road, North York, ON-M4A 1X5, Toronto


In a world marked by diversity, the International Conference on “Bridging Boundaries: Fostering Interfaith Harmony and Inclusiveness in Pakistan and Canada” seeks to create a dynamic platform for thought leaders, scholars, activists, and practitioners to come together and explore the intersections of faith, culture, and coexistence. With a focus on Pakistan and Canada, this conference aims to unravel the potential of interfaith dialogue in cultivating understanding, celebrate the spirit of inclusiveness, and highlight the transformative power of collaboration. By delving into a range of multidisciplinary themes, the conference endeavors to illuminate pathways towards a more harmonious and united global society.

Conference Objectives:

• Promote Interfaith Understanding: To facilitate meaningful discussions and knowledge exchange that promote interfaith understanding, tolerance, and respect between diverse religious communities in Pakistan and Canada.
• Strengthen Inclusiveness: To explore strategies and best practices for fostering inclusiveness, social cohesion, and harmonious coexistence among individuals from different cultural and religious backgrounds in both nations.
• Highlight Women’s Contributions: To recognize and amplify the role of women in driving interfaith initiatives, peacebuilding efforts, and promoting inclusiveness in Pakistan, Canada, and beyond.
• Showcase Cultural Bridges: To showcase the transformative power of art, culture, and communication in bridging religious divides and fostering a sense of unity and shared humanity between Pakistanis and Canadians.
• Empower Youth Leadership: To empower and engage young leaders from Pakistan and Canada in shaping the future of interfaith dialogue, collaboration, and peacebuilding in their respective societies.
• Examine Policy Impacts: To critically examine government policies and initiatives that support religious diversity, multiculturalism, and interfaith harmony in Pakistan and Canada, and to propose recommendations for further enhancement.
• Forge Global Partnerships: To establish and strengthen global partnerships for peace and interfaith collaboration, leveraging the experiences and insights from Pakistan, Canada, and other countries.
• Highlight Personal Narratives: To share personal narratives and stories of individuals who have actively contributed to interfaith understanding and inclusiveness, inspiring others to engage in similar efforts.
• Address Digital Challenges: To explore the opportunities and challenges presented by the digital age in fostering interfaith dialogue, communication, and understanding in Pakistan, Canada, and the broader global context.
• Integrate Ethics and Sustainability: To integrate religious values and ethical principles in addressing environmental sustainability and global challenges, promoting shared responsibility and cooperation between Pakistan, Canada, and beyond.