Journal of World Research (JWR) is a bi-annual, double-blind, peer-reviewed, and open access research journal. It is dedicated to the publication of research in multidisciplinary areas of social sciences regarding “current situation and issues of the world”.
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JARH, ISSN Print: 2663-192X & Online: 2788-4139, HEC recognized ‘Y’, is a double-blind peer-review, Open Free Access, online Multidisciplinary Research Journal in the area of Humanities and Arts subjects having DOI Link
For further details and to submit your academic manuscripts, please visit (
MIAR is an information matrix with data from more than 100 sources, corresponding to journal directories and international indexing and abstracting databases (citation, multidisciplinary or specialized databases), developed with the aim of providing useful information for the identification of scientific journals and the analysis of their diffusion.
For further details and to submit your academic manuscripts, please visit (

Directory of Research Journal Indexing(DRJI) is one of the world’s most voluminous search engines especially for academic open access web resources. Directory of Research Journal Indexing is a digital collection of education research and information. Each DRJI record contains bibliographic data (title, author, ISSN or ISBN, publisher information, etc.) and an abstract. If made available by the publisher, DRJI includes links to the full text or the publisher’s site.
For further details and to submit your academic manuscripts, please visit (