Research Trips

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JARH invites you to join our esteemed group of reviewers by simply clicking on the following link:

1. JARH issues “Certificates of Acknowledgement” to the reviewers who maintain a 5 5-star reviewer Rank for a Year.
2. JARH pays the reviewers weekly.
3. JARH also provides the facility of displaying good comments by the Authors for the reviewers on the website.
4. JARH appoints only those scholars who hold a minimum Ph.D. degree in specific areas of research as a reviewer.
5. JARH prefers only Associate / Full Professors as reviewers.

As a token of our appreciation for your collaboration, JARH extends an exclusive invitation to win our annual FREE northern areas trip in Pakistan. This unique opportunity combines academic engagement with exploration and recreation, promising an unforgettable experience.

Past Trips

Study Trip Report: Mobali Island, Islamabad, Pakistan

Date: [29-April-2023]
Location:Mobali Island, Islamabad, Pakistan
Participants: 20 Students

The study trip to Mobali Island was organized with the aim of providing an interactive learning experience for the participating students. Mobali Island, located near Islamabad, is renowned for its picturesque beauty, lush greenery, and diverse wildlife. The trip was intended to combine educational activities with fun-filled recreational opportunities.

The study trip began early in the morning, with all participants gathering at the designated meeting point. The group was accompanied by faculty members to ensure safety and guidance throughout the trip. After reaching Mobali Island, the students engaged in several educational activities and games.

Educational Activities:
The first part of the day focused on learning about the island’s ecosystem and wildlife. Students participated in guided nature walks, observing various plant species and wildlife habitats. The trip facilitated hands-on learning experiences, with students documenting their observations and insights.

Training Session:
Post-lunch, the students were offered a two-hour online training session. The session covered topics related to online earning opportunities, including freelancing, digital marketing, and entrepreneurship. A seasoned expert in the field conducted the training, providing practical tips and strategies for earning online.

Games and Recreational Activities:
To add an element of fun and relaxation, various team-building games and recreational activities were organized in the afternoon. These activities aimed to enhance teamwork, communication skills, and problem-solving abilities among the students.

The study trip to Mobali Island was an enriching experience for all the participants. It not only allowed the students to explore the island’s natural beauty but also provided valuable insights into online earning opportunities. The combination of educational activities, training, and games ensured a well-rounded and enjoyable learning experience for everyone involved.

The success of this study trip would not have been possible without the dedicated efforts of our faculty members and the enthusiastic participation of the students. We extend our gratitude to all those who contributed to making this trip a memorable and educational journey for the students.